Custom Backend | This example show how a custom backend can be implemented. |
Custom Decoder | Demonstrates how to implement a custom decoder. |
Custom Decoder Engine | Demonstrates how to implement a custom decoder and use it with the high level API. |
Data Source Chaining | Demonstrates one way to chain together a number of data sources so they play back seamlessly
without gaps. |
Duplex Effect | Demonstrates how to apply an effect to a duplex stream using the node graph system. |
Engine Advanced | This example demonstrates some of the advanced features of the high level engine API. |
Engine Effects | Demonstrates how to apply an effect to sounds using the high level engine API. |
Engine Hello World | This example demonstrates how to initialize an audio engine and play a sound. |
Engine Sdl | Shows how to use the high level engine API with SDL. |
Engine Steamaudio | Demonstrates integration of Steam Audio with miniaudio's engine API. |
Hilo Interop | Demonstrates interop between the high-level and the low-level API. |
Node Graph | This example shows how to use the node graph system. |
Resource Manager | Demonstrates how you can use the resource manager to manage loaded sounds. |
Resource Manager Advanced | Demonstrates how you can use the resource manager to manage loaded sounds. |
Simple Capture | Demonstrates how to capture data from a microphone using the low-level API. |
Simple Duplex | Demonstrates duplex mode which is where data is captured from a microphone and then output to a speaker device. |
Simple Enumeration | Demonstrates how to enumerate over devices. |
Simple Loopback | Demonstrates how to implement loopback recording. |
Simple Looping | Shows one way to handle looping of a sound. |
Simple Mixing | Demonstrates one way to load multiple files and play them all back at the same time. |
Simple Playback | Demonstrates how to load a sound file and play it back using the low-level API. |
Simple Playback Sine | Demonstrates playback of a sine wave. |
Simple Playback Sine | Demonstrates playback of a sine wave. |
Simple Spatialization | Demonstrates how to do basic spatialization via the high level API. |