Duplex Effect

Demonstrates how to apply an effect to a duplex stream using the node graph system.

This example applies a vocoder effect to the input stream before outputting it. A custom node called ma_vocoder_node is used to achieve the effect which can be found in the extras folder in the miniaudio repository. The vocoder node uses https://github.com/blastbay/voclib to achieve the effect.

#include "../miniaudio.c"
#include "../extras/nodes/ma_vocoder_node/ma_vocoder_node.c"

#include <stdio.h>

#define DEVICE_FORMAT      ma_format_f32    /* Must always be f32 for this example because the node graph system only works with this. */
#define DEVICE_CHANNELS    1                /* For this example, always set to 1. */

static ma_waveform         g_sourceData;    /* The underlying data source of the source node. */
static ma_audio_buffer_ref g_exciteData;    /* The underlying data source of the excite node. */
static ma_data_source_node g_sourceNode;    /* A data source node containing the source data we'll be sending through to the vocoder. This will be routed into the first bus of the vocoder node. */
static ma_data_source_node g_exciteNode;    /* A data source node containing the excite data we'll be sending through to the vocoder. This will be routed into the second bus of the vocoder node. */
static ma_vocoder_node     g_vocoderNode;   /* The vocoder node. */
static ma_node_graph       g_nodeGraph;

void data_callback(ma_device* pDevice, void* pOutput, const void* pInput, ma_uint32 frameCount)
    This example assumes the playback and capture sides use the same format and channel count. The
    format must be f32.
    if (pDevice->capture.format != DEVICE_FORMAT || pDevice->playback.format != DEVICE_FORMAT || pDevice->capture.channels != pDevice->playback.channels) {

    The node graph system is a pulling style of API. At the lowest level of the chain will be a 
    node acting as a data source for the purpose of delivering the initial audio data. In our case,
    the data source is our pInput buffer. We need to update the underlying data source so that it
    read data from pInput.
    ma_audio_buffer_ref_set_data(&g_exciteData, pInput, frameCount);

    /* With the source buffer configured we can now read directly from the node graph. */
    ma_node_graph_read_pcm_frames(&g_nodeGraph, pOutput, frameCount, NULL);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ma_result result;
    ma_device_config deviceConfig;
    ma_device device;
    ma_node_graph_config nodeGraphConfig;
    ma_vocoder_node_config vocoderNodeConfig;
    ma_data_source_node_config sourceNodeConfig;
    ma_data_source_node_config exciteNodeConfig;
    ma_waveform_config waveformConfig;

    deviceConfig = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_duplex);
    deviceConfig.capture.pDeviceID  = NULL;
    deviceConfig.capture.format     = DEVICE_FORMAT;
    deviceConfig.capture.channels   = DEVICE_CHANNELS;
    deviceConfig.capture.shareMode  = ma_share_mode_shared;
    deviceConfig.playback.pDeviceID = NULL;
    deviceConfig.playback.format    = DEVICE_FORMAT;
    deviceConfig.playback.channels  = DEVICE_CHANNELS;
    deviceConfig.dataCallback       = data_callback;
    result = ma_device_init(NULL, &deviceConfig, &device);
    if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
        return result;

    /* Now we can setup our node graph. */
    nodeGraphConfig = ma_node_graph_config_init(device.capture.channels);

    result = ma_node_graph_init(&nodeGraphConfig, NULL, &g_nodeGraph);
    if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Failed to initialize node graph.");
        goto done0;

    /* Vocoder. Attached straight to the endpoint. */
    vocoderNodeConfig = ma_vocoder_node_config_init(device.capture.channels, device.sampleRate);

    result = ma_vocoder_node_init(&g_nodeGraph, &vocoderNodeConfig, NULL, &g_vocoderNode);
    if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Failed to initialize vocoder node.");
        goto done1;

    ma_node_attach_output_bus(&g_vocoderNode, 0, ma_node_graph_get_endpoint(&g_nodeGraph), 0);

    /* Amplify the volume of the vocoder output because in my testing it is a bit quiet. */
    ma_node_set_output_bus_volume(&g_vocoderNode, 0, 4);

    /* Source/carrier. Attached to input bus 0 of the vocoder node. */
    waveformConfig = ma_waveform_config_init(device.capture.format, device.capture.channels, device.sampleRate, ma_waveform_type_sawtooth, 1.0, 50);

    result = ma_waveform_init(&waveformConfig, &g_sourceData);
    if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Failed to initialize waveform for excite node.");
        goto done3;

    sourceNodeConfig = ma_data_source_node_config_init(&g_sourceData);

    result = ma_data_source_node_init(&g_nodeGraph, &sourceNodeConfig, NULL, &g_sourceNode);
    if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Failed to initialize excite node.");
        goto done3;

    ma_node_attach_output_bus(&g_sourceNode, 0, &g_vocoderNode, 0);

    /* Excite/modulator. Attached to input bus 1 of the vocoder node. */
    result = ma_audio_buffer_ref_init(device.capture.format, device.capture.channels, NULL, 0, &g_exciteData);
    if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Failed to initialize audio buffer for source.");
        goto done2;

    exciteNodeConfig = ma_data_source_node_config_init(&g_exciteData);

    result = ma_data_source_node_init(&g_nodeGraph, &exciteNodeConfig, NULL, &g_exciteNode);
    if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Failed to initialize source node.");
        goto done2;

    ma_node_attach_output_bus(&g_exciteNode, 0, &g_vocoderNode, 1);


    printf("Press Enter to quit...\n");

    /* It's important that we stop the device first or else we'll uninitialize the graph from under the device. */

/*done4:*/ ma_data_source_node_uninit(&g_exciteNode, NULL);
done3: ma_data_source_node_uninit(&g_sourceNode, NULL);
done2: ma_vocoder_node_uninit(&g_vocoderNode, NULL);
done1: ma_node_graph_uninit(&g_nodeGraph, NULL);
done0: ma_device_uninit(&device);

    return 0;
Copyright © 2025 David Reid
Developed by David Reid - mackron@gmail.com